CIGBA/DCI Business Summit 2023:
Think Outside The Box!

Held on June 6th, 2023

Fruits From Chile were one of many first-time DBX participants

Passionate Independents & Partner Reps keep our industry strong

Wi-Fi Presenter

Hand Sanitizing Station Presenter

Breakfast Presenter

The Distribution Canada Business eXchange (DBX) facilitated a series of fast and focused speed networking meetings among Canadian Retailers and Supplier Partners. With 600 fast and focused meetings during the day, the DBX serves as a Summit staple and highlight for those looking to discuss new business leads, new product launches, exclusive pricing for DCI members, and business reviews, all privately! Every participant is encouraged to follow up with their meetings post conference, as it is an essential part of maximizing the DBX process. Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 program!


Networking Lunch Presenter


Afternoon Business Session Speakers
Speaker presentations available. Please email for access.


Cocktails, Product Display Showcase


Cocktails and Product Display Showcase
Networking, Sampling, and Developing New Business

The Annual CIGBA/DCI Star Awards
Celebrating individuals and companies achieving success

Thank you to our recognized Co-Sponsors! We couldn’t have done it without the support of our Partners.